Google! one of the Internets most powerful (and developer friendly too) search engines has a free service that makes it easier for you to improve
your websites coverage within Google's index through its collaborative crawling system. Although, Google does not 'Guarantee' immediate inclusion, But, is still good
news for those of you who have just finished building a website and are
ready to submit to the top search engines. So, what's this Google's service called?
Is Google Adword a right tool to promote your website?
As my regular readers will know, I often share my own online experiences in my articles in the hope that it will help some of you. As my regular readers also know, despite the fact that I have achieved a degree of success with my Internet ventures, I can be pretty lazy when it comes to the more mundane aspects of running an online business. It is usually these 'boring' tasks that end up saving or making me large sums of money (when I eventually get around to dealing with them!). One day I will learn..... :-)
This week, the incredibly boring job that I want to talk about is ad-tracking. Now please bear with me on this - I know it isn't the most exciting topic in the world BUT spending (literally) five minutes on this task a month ago is already saving me over $750 a month (that's $9,000 a year!) and there is every possibility that I could end up saving more than double that amount!
How to Bring More Traffic to Your Blog
There are many factors that make blogs much better
than normal Web Pages including the speed at which blogs are indexed,
ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings
and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to
blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use:
Easy Way to Generate Google Sitemap Fast
The best and easy way to have your website indexed is by submitting a sitemap to the search engine like Google.
HTML Sitemaps,
online sitemap generator,
search engine indexing,
sitemap validator,
XML sitemaps
How to Get Website Indexed Fast
The biggest problem that most website owners/developers are running into seems to do with getting into the search engines. Rankings aside, you need to first get them to index you. Here are the four main ways to assure yourself fast indexing:
How to Increase your Website Traffic and Search Engine Positioning by Articles?
You've probably heard by now that article marketing can help you build links back to your site.
But there's a lot more to it than that. Articles aren't only good for leveraging yourself stronger positions in Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other big search engines, though that's what we'll be focusing on today. Keep in mind that learning a more balanced view of promotion and marketing with articles can help you reap all the perks with essentially the same amount of work.
But there's a lot more to it than that. Articles aren't only good for leveraging yourself stronger positions in Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other big search engines, though that's what we'll be focusing on today. Keep in mind that learning a more balanced view of promotion and marketing with articles can help you reap all the perks with essentially the same amount of work.
How to Make Website Search Engine Friendly
So many people have asked me how can they bring their website on the top of search engine listing. Well! If you want your website at the top you can start by not making 3 common rookie mistakes. Here take a look at the 3 search engine mistakes which everyone should avoid.
Link Popularity: Distribute content, not just links.
You've spent many hours trying to increase your
online traffic with your linking campaign. You've sent out 200 e-mails
pleading with other web sites to trade links with your site. Many of
your e-mails bounce back.
The requests that find thier targets get rejected for numerous reasons. For example, your Google pagerank is too low or your links pages are dynamic and not static, etc., blah, blah, etc., ad nauseum. Out of those 200 requests, you wind up getting 25 reciprocal links, if you are lucky.
So, you say to yourself, "Great, now i have 25 more links!". But are these links really worth it? Do they generate any traffic?
There are many reasons why your links won't even get counted or indexed by the search engines. If your link is on a page among 100 other links, or the page is irrelevant to your subject matter, the page probably won't hold much weight with most search engines. It's also rumored that Google is changing it's algorithm to discount reciprocal links altogether.
So, what can you do to get your links indexed and noticed? Write your own content, distribute it to article directories or trade it with other related websites!
Here are 8 tips on increasing your online traffic with distributed content.
1. Try to write about popular content. The more popular it is, the more people will download it and want to include it on their websites and the more links you'll have pointing back to your site.
2. Try not to use any promotional jargon or sales pitches in your articles. If you do, many webmasters will not want to include your article on thier site.
3. Use plain English. Don't try to get too technical. Read it back to yourself and make sure you don't get tongue-tied while reading it.
4. If possible, work in your site's main keyword phrases into your articles. If your site is about online marketing, write articles about online marketing.
5. Make sure you include an "About the Author" section at the bottom. Make it somewhat short and always include a link back to your site in an anchor tag. And once again, include your keywords in the link text.
6. Proofread your article carefully. I see so many articles out there with misspellings. It just makes you look bad. After you spell check, have a friend or co-worker read it to double check for errors.
7. When you're finished with your article, submit it to popular article directories like,, and For a fee, there are even services out there that will submit your articles to the top directories for you.
8. Make sure you publish your articles on your own website too, more content equals more traffic. Don't worry about getting penalized by search engines for having duplicate content. You only get penalized if the content is duplicated on your own domain, not if it's duplicated on other websites.
So there you have it. Distributed content allows you to make every link count, by creating targeted links that directly contribute to your search engine rankings, and by delivering targeted traffic on it's own. And besides, it might even make you famous!
The requests that find thier targets get rejected for numerous reasons. For example, your Google pagerank is too low or your links pages are dynamic and not static, etc., blah, blah, etc., ad nauseum. Out of those 200 requests, you wind up getting 25 reciprocal links, if you are lucky.
So, you say to yourself, "Great, now i have 25 more links!". But are these links really worth it? Do they generate any traffic?
There are many reasons why your links won't even get counted or indexed by the search engines. If your link is on a page among 100 other links, or the page is irrelevant to your subject matter, the page probably won't hold much weight with most search engines. It's also rumored that Google is changing it's algorithm to discount reciprocal links altogether.
So, what can you do to get your links indexed and noticed? Write your own content, distribute it to article directories or trade it with other related websites!
Here are 8 tips on increasing your online traffic with distributed content.
1. Try to write about popular content. The more popular it is, the more people will download it and want to include it on their websites and the more links you'll have pointing back to your site.
2. Try not to use any promotional jargon or sales pitches in your articles. If you do, many webmasters will not want to include your article on thier site.
3. Use plain English. Don't try to get too technical. Read it back to yourself and make sure you don't get tongue-tied while reading it.
4. If possible, work in your site's main keyword phrases into your articles. If your site is about online marketing, write articles about online marketing.
5. Make sure you include an "About the Author" section at the bottom. Make it somewhat short and always include a link back to your site in an anchor tag. And once again, include your keywords in the link text.
6. Proofread your article carefully. I see so many articles out there with misspellings. It just makes you look bad. After you spell check, have a friend or co-worker read it to double check for errors.
7. When you're finished with your article, submit it to popular article directories like,, and For a fee, there are even services out there that will submit your articles to the top directories for you.
8. Make sure you publish your articles on your own website too, more content equals more traffic. Don't worry about getting penalized by search engines for having duplicate content. You only get penalized if the content is duplicated on your own domain, not if it's duplicated on other websites.
So there you have it. Distributed content allows you to make every link count, by creating targeted links that directly contribute to your search engine rankings, and by delivering targeted traffic on it's own. And besides, it might even make you famous!
Keyword Targeting Strategy In Your Site
Once the keywords have been decided for the site
one has to come up with a strategy to target those keywords across the
site. Here is a primer on that.
Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word:
Keyword of Single word is useful to attract general audience and helps in getting high rank ,if the web site is new. Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word is that they should be more used in the root level pages or top level domain pages. This is because these pages are the ones that attract the general traffic & are generally the pages which do not specify specifics. Hence single word keywords based on themes can be targeted for on these pages.
Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word:
Keyword of Single word is useful to attract general audience and helps in getting high rank ,if the web site is new. Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word is that they should be more used in the root level pages or top level domain pages. This is because these pages are the ones that attract the general traffic & are generally the pages which do not specify specifics. Hence single word keywords based on themes can be targeted for on these pages.
Keywords Finalization Methodology
To arrive at the set of keywords that:
Keywords are for humans not search engines
It seems keywords are making the top of SEO list
time and time again. The problem is that some optimizers do not
understand the rightful purpose of keywords. Keywords should not be
solely embedded for the purpose of reaching the top of search engines.
Search Engine Optimization should not be the primary focus of any
website. The primary and number 1 focus should always be the visitors.
If you create a website for your audience and for your visitors then
you should rank fairly. I can't see why any legitimate website can not
rank properly within search engines, after time and dedication. Search
Engine Optimization main purpose is ranking faster within search
engines. Instead of gaining a good balance of traffic within 1 or more
years, it is possible to gain a good balance of traffic within 6-9
months with SEO.
Internet Marketing Without a Big-Picture Strategy Dances in Circles
Stop Tracking the Illusive "Magic Bullet"
It seems like everyone is beating the drum for one Internet marketing method or another. And in the process they create plenty of hype and conflicting messages.
Website owners are left to wonder whom to believe when it comes to impressing the search engines. Which approach can deliver the "magic bullet" they've been promised? Is it time to jump to the next "sure thing," that will entice both search spiders and web surfers?
It seems like everyone is beating the drum for one Internet marketing method or another. And in the process they create plenty of hype and conflicting messages.
Website owners are left to wonder whom to believe when it comes to impressing the search engines. Which approach can deliver the "magic bullet" they've been promised? Is it time to jump to the next "sure thing," that will entice both search spiders and web surfers?
Internet Marketing – Long Term Strategy
Once your site is up and running, the best method
for getting immediate traffic is pay-per-click search engine marketing.
Although you have to be patient, you should also be focusing on search
engine optimization as a long term strategy.
Search Engine Optimization – “SEO”
Search engine optimization, or “seo” as it is better known, is the definitive long term Internet marketing strategy. So, what is it? Seo simply refers to taking steps to make sure your site appears high in non-paid search results on Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Search Engine Optimization – “SEO”
Search engine optimization, or “seo” as it is better known, is the definitive long term Internet marketing strategy. So, what is it? Seo simply refers to taking steps to make sure your site appears high in non-paid search results on Google, Yahoo and MSN.
If You Build It, They Will Come...
...No they won't. On the web, building a web site
is not enough. If there are no links to the site anywhere, no-one is
going to visit it. The site won't even be listed in any of the search
engines without some incoming links. To get traffic, you will need to do
some promotion.
Web Directories
The basic part of any promotion campaign, web directories, whist they may not generate much in the way of traffic, will help in your site's search engine ranking. A good list of free, non-reciprocal, search engine friendly directories can be found at
Web Directories
The basic part of any promotion campaign, web directories, whist they may not generate much in the way of traffic, will help in your site's search engine ranking. A good list of free, non-reciprocal, search engine friendly directories can be found at
How to run a successful link exchange program.
Link Exchanges are a very time consuming
project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact
them and place a link on your page can seem like an eternity. The
hardest part about link exchanges isn’t the research, it's the waiting.
This article will give you some tips to help speed response time to your
"How long does it normally take?" you ask. The average wait can be 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes even longer. The reason for this is that many people operate their web site as a hobby or side business and may not be on top of their email. Keep these timeframes in mind before you judge the successfulness of a link campaign.
"How long does it normally take?" you ask. The average wait can be 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes even longer. The reason for this is that many people operate their web site as a hobby or side business and may not be on top of their email. Keep these timeframes in mind before you judge the successfulness of a link campaign.
How to promote your site and also make it sticky
If you have just designed your own site, then you
have probably already realised how hard it is to get visitors to it. You
are probably also finding that once you get visitors to your site, you
are then having problems in making them return back to your site.
Well there are many ways of promoting your site and also making it sticky so that you can receive returning visitors.
To promote your site you can:
5. Write your own reprint articles that are on the same subject/topic as your sites content.
Writing your own articles with your website links contained within your authors bio line is probably one of the best ways to promote your website online. This is because you can add them to some of the article directories where others then can search these article directories and then add your articles to their site, which will then give you credit in return.
Some article submission directories include:
6. Exchange links with other sites
Exchanging links with other sites take up a lot of work but can give you some positive results. This is because exchanging links with other sites will mean that your site will get more exposure across the Web plus your link popularity will increase, which is then most likely to give your website better search engine rankings within some, if not, most of the major search engines.
7. Add your site to some of the free to submit general and specialty web directories
Adding your website to some of the free to submit general and specialty web directories is a good thing as you don’t have to provide a link back to their directory. Submitting your website to free to submit web directories is better than doing link exchanges as your link is more likely to be given higher priority than what it would on a site that has two way linking. A lot of web directories do rather well in some of the major search engines and also has a good Google PR, which means your site should benefit from this.
8. Do SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very important factor to consider when designing your website. This is because in past research it shows that over about 85% of people use search engines first before using anything else to find what they are looking for online. So if your site has poor SEO then you will not do all that well within the major search engines. If you do well with your sites SEO then you are likely to see some good results from the major search engines. Some sites even receive most of their traffic from the major search engines.
To make your site stickier you can:
4. Add games to your website
Adding games to your website is a very good way of making your site stickier. This is because a lot of people like to play games when they are either bored or have nothing much to do. is an example of a site that has got games added to it just so that it can increase its stickiness.
5. Add free reprint articles to your website
If you find it hard to find content to add to your site to make it bigger or stickier then a good thing to consider is reprint articles. This is because these reprint articles can be added to your site for free and it makes your sites content larger, which can then increase the stickiness of your website. You can find some free reprint articles at the following categorized article directories:
6. Add features to your site that many others do not offer
You could look through a large amount of other sites to see what they have to offer. Once you have done that, you can then see what would be a good thing to add to your site in, which many of these other sites don’t offer. For example, offers a product price comparison directory, which is a feature that many other sites across the web do not offer.
Doing something like this where many other sites don’t offer it means that more people are likely to come to your site just to use it.
Well there are many ways of promoting your site and also making it sticky so that you can receive returning visitors.
To promote your site you can:
5. Write your own reprint articles that are on the same subject/topic as your sites content.
Writing your own articles with your website links contained within your authors bio line is probably one of the best ways to promote your website online. This is because you can add them to some of the article directories where others then can search these article directories and then add your articles to their site, which will then give you credit in return.
Some article submission directories include:
6. Exchange links with other sites
Exchanging links with other sites take up a lot of work but can give you some positive results. This is because exchanging links with other sites will mean that your site will get more exposure across the Web plus your link popularity will increase, which is then most likely to give your website better search engine rankings within some, if not, most of the major search engines.
7. Add your site to some of the free to submit general and specialty web directories
Adding your website to some of the free to submit general and specialty web directories is a good thing as you don’t have to provide a link back to their directory. Submitting your website to free to submit web directories is better than doing link exchanges as your link is more likely to be given higher priority than what it would on a site that has two way linking. A lot of web directories do rather well in some of the major search engines and also has a good Google PR, which means your site should benefit from this.
8. Do SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very important factor to consider when designing your website. This is because in past research it shows that over about 85% of people use search engines first before using anything else to find what they are looking for online. So if your site has poor SEO then you will not do all that well within the major search engines. If you do well with your sites SEO then you are likely to see some good results from the major search engines. Some sites even receive most of their traffic from the major search engines.
To make your site stickier you can:
4. Add games to your website
Adding games to your website is a very good way of making your site stickier. This is because a lot of people like to play games when they are either bored or have nothing much to do. is an example of a site that has got games added to it just so that it can increase its stickiness.
5. Add free reprint articles to your website
If you find it hard to find content to add to your site to make it bigger or stickier then a good thing to consider is reprint articles. This is because these reprint articles can be added to your site for free and it makes your sites content larger, which can then increase the stickiness of your website. You can find some free reprint articles at the following categorized article directories:
6. Add features to your site that many others do not offer
You could look through a large amount of other sites to see what they have to offer. Once you have done that, you can then see what would be a good thing to add to your site in, which many of these other sites don’t offer. For example, offers a product price comparison directory, which is a feature that many other sites across the web do not offer.
Doing something like this where many other sites don’t offer it means that more people are likely to come to your site just to use it.
How my page rank went from 0 to 5 in one update. How yours can too.
Page Rank. We all know what is. We all want to rank higher. Higher
rankings mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To web masters it
means achievement. They have accomplished a move in the right direction.
A high page rank to a website owner is money in the bank. It is also
an impressive accomplishment. To other website owners your page rank may
be a source of envy.
How important are back links?
When setting up your website for SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) on Google there are several factors you need to look at
in order to obtain a high rank on their search engine. Of course your
content and meta tags must be inline with positive density percentages
and reciprocal links. Google then takes your website and performs a
mathematic equation and places a numeric value on your website depending
on one of the most important features, reciprocal or back links.
Google’s New Direction - Could Your Linking Strategy be Hurting Your Rankings?
Over the past week, most people have noticed
significant changes in the SERPs at Google. Web sites that previously
held number one positions have dropped to number 89, and some web sites
have disappeared off the Google results pages altogether. As is the case
with all major Google updates, SEOs have been panicking in forums and
there has been much discussion about one topic in particular: reciprocal
Google Page Rank Is Dead - Part III
HELP! My PR page rank is grey, call the development
doctor. As the world of Google is turning a mile a minute these days,
some really big changes are happening. This weekend, marketers all
around the world don't believe what they are seeing... Google's Page
Ranking system is dead.
Is it really dead?
In an online forum post from (A discussion on Google), people from all over are speculating about what is going on. In fact, one member was quick to point out that the last big shift Google had, we saw the PR system go down as well. This begs the question...
Are we on the verge of a BIG PR shift? or,
Are we seeing a Google marketing scheme just to shake people up?
In many ways, Google needs to be improved upon their "broken down PR system". There are so many areas if they payed attention to forums and blogs all around the world, they would have more than enough feedback about their PR system to fix this growing PR issue.
Page ranking is a potentially a great system. It CAN be a great system if it directly ranks websites properly by content, relevance, and not simply by the number of links pointing to an individual website.
These days, you see a website with 15 "medium relevant" links pointing to it while its front page holds a PR of 7-8 out of 10. How do you justify that?
What will it mean if Google's PR systems stays down?
I believe it will mean a big shift to online marketing. Many newbies out there that are barely legal when it comes to SEO have an opportunity to measure everything they do. In turn, the newbies may even sound professional to their clients. Take away these tools and you are left with true marketing gurus that have stood the test of time and can deliver results for themselves and their clients.
The internet is vastly growing into a pool of professional fakes and scammers. This is really giving the internet marketing community a bad name. Without the Google PR, many people won't be able to prove their results nor will they have that "fake respect" that you get from having a website with PR 7/10.
What about MSN & Yahoo?
In growing efforts to keep up with MSN & Yahoo's strong and growing marketing campaign, Google may be feeling left out these days. Many people think that their PR system is simply a gimmick; a gimmick that attracts a lot of attention. By disabeling this system, you create mass fear and confusion. Bad publicity is still publicity neverless?
So, is Google trying to create a buzz?
This could be possible and it could be possible that everything will be back to normal within a couple of days. We won't know until time catches up with us.
Until then, take this "dark saga" moment and find other ways to build your business online. Don't worry about what Google is doing, worry about what you are doing to improve your internet marketing campaign.
Is it really dead?
In an online forum post from (A discussion on Google), people from all over are speculating about what is going on. In fact, one member was quick to point out that the last big shift Google had, we saw the PR system go down as well. This begs the question...
Are we on the verge of a BIG PR shift? or,
Are we seeing a Google marketing scheme just to shake people up?
In many ways, Google needs to be improved upon their "broken down PR system". There are so many areas if they payed attention to forums and blogs all around the world, they would have more than enough feedback about their PR system to fix this growing PR issue.
Page ranking is a potentially a great system. It CAN be a great system if it directly ranks websites properly by content, relevance, and not simply by the number of links pointing to an individual website.
These days, you see a website with 15 "medium relevant" links pointing to it while its front page holds a PR of 7-8 out of 10. How do you justify that?
What will it mean if Google's PR systems stays down?
I believe it will mean a big shift to online marketing. Many newbies out there that are barely legal when it comes to SEO have an opportunity to measure everything they do. In turn, the newbies may even sound professional to their clients. Take away these tools and you are left with true marketing gurus that have stood the test of time and can deliver results for themselves and their clients.
The internet is vastly growing into a pool of professional fakes and scammers. This is really giving the internet marketing community a bad name. Without the Google PR, many people won't be able to prove their results nor will they have that "fake respect" that you get from having a website with PR 7/10.
What about MSN & Yahoo?
In growing efforts to keep up with MSN & Yahoo's strong and growing marketing campaign, Google may be feeling left out these days. Many people think that their PR system is simply a gimmick; a gimmick that attracts a lot of attention. By disabeling this system, you create mass fear and confusion. Bad publicity is still publicity neverless?
So, is Google trying to create a buzz?
This could be possible and it could be possible that everything will be back to normal within a couple of days. We won't know until time catches up with us.
Until then, take this "dark saga" moment and find other ways to build your business online. Don't worry about what Google is doing, worry about what you are doing to improve your internet marketing campaign.
Google manipulates search results: A boost for small business?
As more and more businesses strive for a top ten
Google ranking, it's becoming harder and harder to achieve. This is
especially true for smaller businesses that simply don't have the budget
for a big link popularity campaign. But hope may be just around the
corner. If a top ten ranking for your primary keywords has been eluding
you, then read on!
Google manipulates the results
Google is trialing an 'enhancement' to the way it displays its results. Instead of showing the top ten results for the exact words you enter, in the trial Google suggests three related results that you might want to check out. Where does it display these suggestions? It shunts (or replaces) results 6, 7 and 8 !!!
In this article, I refer to these results as 'intruders'.
To see some 'intruder' results in action, search for "piggy bank". Results 6, 7 and 8 are actually 'intruder' results; they're the top three results for the more specific, less popular search, "piggy bank lyrics". Google assumes that people searching for "piggy bank" will probably be interested in results of a search for "piggy bank lyrics".
On first impressions, it's tempting to think that this makes it harder to get into the top ten (because now it's really the top seven, and the last two results may be easily overlooked). But it may actually make it easier - especially for smaller businesses. Let me explain why...
The advantage for smaller businesses
It all comes down to who can rank in the top ten for the most popular searches - like "computers", "cars", "doctor", "pets", etc. For anyone in these industries, a top ten ranking for these keywords is the holy grail. Unfortunately, these sorts of searches are presently dominated by big corporations with hefty search budgets. Most smaller businesses don't even try to compete. Instead of focusing on these hotly contested keywords, small businesses tend to focus on much more specific keyword phrases - like "computers boston", "second hand cars ohio", "female doctor new england", "discount pets for children", etc.
But Google's trial may change that. Remember, it's replacing results 6, 7 and 8 of a popular, broad search with results 1, 2 and 3 of a less popular, more specific search. If the trial becomes a standard feature, a search for "computers" might well include three 'intruder' results from a search such as "computers boston". As discussed above, results 6, 7 and 8 are likely to belong to big companies, whereas results 1, 2 and 3 of the more specific search are more likely to belong to smaller businesses. Therefore, when the switch occurs, it's out with the big and in with the small!
In principle the enhancement appears to work in favor of small businesses:
1) Big business dominates popular / general search results
2) Smaller businesses have a greater chance of dominating less popular / more specific search results
3) General search results are replaced by specific search results
4) Big businesses are shunted out of the top ten by smaller businesses
Now I hear what you're saying: "Why wouldn't the big companies simply start optimizing for the more specific searches?" Granted, this is a possibility; but for most big companies, it would be a monumental task. Big companies tend to service a large geographic region, and they typically offer numerous products and services. Even a hefty search budget would be stretched to the limit if it was required to bankroll optimization for every single product, every single service, and every single location. And this is what would be required to dominate all of the more specific results, thereby gaining back their number 6, 7 or 8 position. It's far more likely that they'll simply try harder for a position in the top 5 of the popular/general search. This approach would be less complex and probably more rewarding.
The fine print
Of course, where Google is involved, nothing is ever that simple. I've oversimplified things above to make the trial a little easier to understand. In reality, the situation is a bit more complex because of the way Google chooses which search the three 'intruder' results come from. Take the "piggy bank" search for example. Google assumes that most users who search for "piggy bank" will also be interested in results from a search for "piggy bank lyrics". This assumption is based on the fact that thousands of other people are searching specifically for "piggy bank lyrics" - in fact, it's one of the most popular searches containing the original term "piggy bank". And that's why it gets the nod.
In other words, the intruder results come from popular searches (less popular than the original, but still popular). This means you'd already have to rank highly in a very popular search before you'd become an intruder. So, in reality, the above "computer" example is a little simplistic; the intruder results for "computer" are more likely to be from a search for something like "computers ibm". In reality, the top three results for "computer peripherals boston" are more likely to appear as intruders in a "computer peripherals" search.
The important thing to remember is that if this trial becomes a standard feature, it will be implemented on all searches. And the more specific the original search, the easier it would be to become an intruder in that search. In theory, it has great potential to help smaller businesses reach the next rung of the search engine ladder.
Other examples
Here are some further examples if you're interested:
Search for "add url"
Search for "on demand"
Happy shunting!
Google manipulates the results
Google is trialing an 'enhancement' to the way it displays its results. Instead of showing the top ten results for the exact words you enter, in the trial Google suggests three related results that you might want to check out. Where does it display these suggestions? It shunts (or replaces) results 6, 7 and 8 !!!
In this article, I refer to these results as 'intruders'.
To see some 'intruder' results in action, search for "piggy bank". Results 6, 7 and 8 are actually 'intruder' results; they're the top three results for the more specific, less popular search, "piggy bank lyrics". Google assumes that people searching for "piggy bank" will probably be interested in results of a search for "piggy bank lyrics".
On first impressions, it's tempting to think that this makes it harder to get into the top ten (because now it's really the top seven, and the last two results may be easily overlooked). But it may actually make it easier - especially for smaller businesses. Let me explain why...
The advantage for smaller businesses
It all comes down to who can rank in the top ten for the most popular searches - like "computers", "cars", "doctor", "pets", etc. For anyone in these industries, a top ten ranking for these keywords is the holy grail. Unfortunately, these sorts of searches are presently dominated by big corporations with hefty search budgets. Most smaller businesses don't even try to compete. Instead of focusing on these hotly contested keywords, small businesses tend to focus on much more specific keyword phrases - like "computers boston", "second hand cars ohio", "female doctor new england", "discount pets for children", etc.
But Google's trial may change that. Remember, it's replacing results 6, 7 and 8 of a popular, broad search with results 1, 2 and 3 of a less popular, more specific search. If the trial becomes a standard feature, a search for "computers" might well include three 'intruder' results from a search such as "computers boston". As discussed above, results 6, 7 and 8 are likely to belong to big companies, whereas results 1, 2 and 3 of the more specific search are more likely to belong to smaller businesses. Therefore, when the switch occurs, it's out with the big and in with the small!
In principle the enhancement appears to work in favor of small businesses:
1) Big business dominates popular / general search results
2) Smaller businesses have a greater chance of dominating less popular / more specific search results
3) General search results are replaced by specific search results
4) Big businesses are shunted out of the top ten by smaller businesses
Now I hear what you're saying: "Why wouldn't the big companies simply start optimizing for the more specific searches?" Granted, this is a possibility; but for most big companies, it would be a monumental task. Big companies tend to service a large geographic region, and they typically offer numerous products and services. Even a hefty search budget would be stretched to the limit if it was required to bankroll optimization for every single product, every single service, and every single location. And this is what would be required to dominate all of the more specific results, thereby gaining back their number 6, 7 or 8 position. It's far more likely that they'll simply try harder for a position in the top 5 of the popular/general search. This approach would be less complex and probably more rewarding.
The fine print
Of course, where Google is involved, nothing is ever that simple. I've oversimplified things above to make the trial a little easier to understand. In reality, the situation is a bit more complex because of the way Google chooses which search the three 'intruder' results come from. Take the "piggy bank" search for example. Google assumes that most users who search for "piggy bank" will also be interested in results from a search for "piggy bank lyrics". This assumption is based on the fact that thousands of other people are searching specifically for "piggy bank lyrics" - in fact, it's one of the most popular searches containing the original term "piggy bank". And that's why it gets the nod.
In other words, the intruder results come from popular searches (less popular than the original, but still popular). This means you'd already have to rank highly in a very popular search before you'd become an intruder. So, in reality, the above "computer" example is a little simplistic; the intruder results for "computer" are more likely to be from a search for something like "computers ibm". In reality, the top three results for "computer peripherals boston" are more likely to appear as intruders in a "computer peripherals" search.
The important thing to remember is that if this trial becomes a standard feature, it will be implemented on all searches. And the more specific the original search, the easier it would be to become an intruder in that search. In theory, it has great potential to help smaller businesses reach the next rung of the search engine ladder.
Other examples
Here are some further examples if you're interested:
Search for "add url"
Search for "on demand"
Happy shunting!
Get Listed In Google By Making An XML SiteMap and Without Spending A Dime.
If you have been unsuccessfully trying to get
listed in Google or just hitting roadblocks when trying to get more of
your pages listed in Google, then you need to read this short article. I
am about to reveal a simple SEO secret that can save you a lot of time,
money and effort.
Google has a preferred search submission format that it actually asks webmasters to use, It's called a Google SiteMap.
Admittedly, creating and using XML is no easy task for anyone who is non-technical or inexperienced with web coding, however there is a site or two on the web that can actually help you create an XML sitemap and then submit it to Google so that this venerable search engine can crawl your previously unknown web site and get you listed.
Of course there are no guarantees that your site will get high ranks or that it will meet Google's guidelines for inclusion, so be sure to make sure that your site is properly optimized and meets their guidelines before using these tools.
Before I reveal these tools and show you where to go to find out how to use them, let's take a look at the basics.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a special document formatted created to allow communication between applications and also between organizations. XML is a practical system that structurally defines the format and composition of intricate documents and data such as invoices, news feeds, inventory reports, catalog listings and other complex documents. A seasoned programmer who understands XML can easily create XML applications that know how to pull data from XML sources and then format it for presentation to end users.
In the case of Google, this same XML data format can be used to define your site's pages and their position in relation to each other. So for example, your "about_us.html" page is usually connected only one click away from your "index.html" page. When used in this manner to define pages and their positions we are creating what is commonly known as a sitemap.
Google says in the own words, "Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. It's a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep us informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages."
So in essence, Google is asking us to help them index the web by using this simple technique that will no doubt become a major help to struggling webmasters everywhere.
Google, by the way, will accept simple text file based sitemaps. Please consult their site for more information.
How to get your sitemap indexed.
Once your sitemap has been created and uploaded to the main directory of your web site, simply use this URL to submit it:
Just replace the parameter, "sitemap_url" with the actual URL of your sitemap. Example:
You can also open a Google account before submitting to make sure that you can actually track your submission to check your sitemap status.
I promised to reveal the tools used to facilitate the creation of XML sitemaps and here they are...
The Tools Revealed:
Use this Google recommended online tool to generate a Google friendly xml sitemap that you can simple cut/paste and then upload to your site. Simply provide your site URL and select a few optional settings and with one-click ease you will have a sitemap, ready to go.
SiteMap Validator:
Use this Google recommended tool to validate your sitemap for accuracy.
Google has a preferred search submission format that it actually asks webmasters to use, It's called a Google SiteMap.
Admittedly, creating and using XML is no easy task for anyone who is non-technical or inexperienced with web coding, however there is a site or two on the web that can actually help you create an XML sitemap and then submit it to Google so that this venerable search engine can crawl your previously unknown web site and get you listed.
Of course there are no guarantees that your site will get high ranks or that it will meet Google's guidelines for inclusion, so be sure to make sure that your site is properly optimized and meets their guidelines before using these tools.
Before I reveal these tools and show you where to go to find out how to use them, let's take a look at the basics.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a special document formatted created to allow communication between applications and also between organizations. XML is a practical system that structurally defines the format and composition of intricate documents and data such as invoices, news feeds, inventory reports, catalog listings and other complex documents. A seasoned programmer who understands XML can easily create XML applications that know how to pull data from XML sources and then format it for presentation to end users.
In the case of Google, this same XML data format can be used to define your site's pages and their position in relation to each other. So for example, your "about_us.html" page is usually connected only one click away from your "index.html" page. When used in this manner to define pages and their positions we are creating what is commonly known as a sitemap.
Google says in the own words, "Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. It's a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep us informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages."
So in essence, Google is asking us to help them index the web by using this simple technique that will no doubt become a major help to struggling webmasters everywhere.
Google, by the way, will accept simple text file based sitemaps. Please consult their site for more information.
How to get your sitemap indexed.
Once your sitemap has been created and uploaded to the main directory of your web site, simply use this URL to submit it:
Just replace the parameter, "sitemap_url" with the actual URL of your sitemap. Example:
You can also open a Google account before submitting to make sure that you can actually track your submission to check your sitemap status.
I promised to reveal the tools used to facilitate the creation of XML sitemaps and here they are...
The Tools Revealed:
Use this Google recommended online tool to generate a Google friendly xml sitemap that you can simple cut/paste and then upload to your site. Simply provide your site URL and select a few optional settings and with one-click ease you will have a sitemap, ready to go.
SiteMap Validator:
Use this Google recommended tool to validate your sitemap for accuracy.
Get a top 10 ranking without paying a cent
If there's one thing that Google loves, it's
content. Done right, a content rich website is almost guaranteed to rank
highly. But how to get that content? You can write it yourself, but
that takes a lot of time. You can pay an SEO copywriter to write it for
you, but that takes a lot of money. If only there was another option...
What if you could get your content for free? And not just a little bit of content; a lot! What if you could get an almost unlimited supply of keyword rich, expertly written content, specific to your subject matter, absolutely free of charge? Would you snap it up and upload to your site in an instant? Of course you would! Well here's the good news: you can! Read on to find out how you can get a top ten ranking in the search engines without paying a single cent...
Yes, content gives you a great ranking
Content is king. This is widely acknowledged as fact, but if you need further convincing, consider the following two points:
Point 1 - In Google's own words, one of the keys to a high ranking is to "create a useful, information-rich site" (from “Google Information for Webmasters” -
Point 2 - Google insider, codenamed 'Google Guy', advocates a list 26 steps to building a high ranking site. Step 5 of the list says, "build one page of content and put online per day at 200-500 words" .
But why does content give you a great ranking?
I won't go into any further detail about IF Google loves content. I will, however, briefly explain WHY. Google's love affair with content is based on two key attractions:
1) Google loves sites with a lot of content because it assumes they provide a lot of useful information. And remember, that's the whole reason Google exists - to help people find useful information. The more helpful Google's results, the more traffic (and revenue) it gets.
2) Google loves sites that have a lot of links pointing to them because this means other webmasters hold your site in high regard, and Google assumes this means the content is useful. And naturally, if you create a useful site, other webmasters will link to it because this makes them useful to their visitors (thereby developing site loyalty), and they gain credibility and authority because they're associated with you.
So how can you get free content for your website?
Three words: 'free reprint articles'. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there writing high quality, helpful, informative articles on virtually every topic imaginable, then giving these article away to any webmaster who wants to publish them on a website. In exchange for the article, the author asks only that you retain the author bio at the end, complete with all links (e.g. "Glenn Murray is an SEO Copywriter and Article Submission Specialist...).
To find free content for your website, simply visit any one of hundreds of 'article banks' on the Internet such as,, or Browse or search for the subject you're interested in, then take the article(s) for free. There is absolutely no charge. Some of these sites will even send a regular stream of articles direct to your website (using RSS).
Alternatively, you can sign up to any number of article distribution lists and get articles delivered direct to your email inbox. Again, it's absolutely free! Some of the better known distribution lists include,, and
TIP: The article banks and distribution lists mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds more - just do a search for "free reprint articles", "article submission", "article submission site", "submit article", "article submit site", "free articles", or "free content". You may even find a site or list which only deals in articles relating to your particular subject matter.
Why is it free?
Why are these authors giving their articles away? Because it helps the author's own search engine ranking. It's a promotional activity known as 'article PR'. As explained above, Google loves sites with lots of links pointing to them. Every time their article submission is published, the author gets another link to their website. In fact, if the article is really good, it may be published hundreds of times. And each time, it's another link to the author's website. Put simply, article submission is a writer's free pass to the top of the search engines. (In this sense, the "PR" in article PR stands for PageRank.)
Furthermore, like traditional public relations, article PR also conveys a sense of authority because your articles are widely published. And because you're proving your expertise and freely dispensing knowledge, your readers will trust you and will be more likely to remain loyal to you. (In this sense, the "PR" in article PR stands for Public Relations.)
How do I know if the quality is good?
It's a process of natural selection. The better the article submission, the more often it will be published, so it's in the author's interest to write and submit articles of the highest quality. Of course, this doesn't always happen, but in most cases, you'll be reviewing the articles before you post them anyway, so if you discover one that's not up to scratch, don't use it.
In time, you'll become familiar with the authors who consistently put out good quality content - you may even find enough of them that you don't need to go looking for content from anyone else...
Where do I put the free content?
Most people put the articles in an 'Articles' or 'Resources' section on their website, but you can put them anywhere you like.
How much free content should I use?
As much as you want or as little as you want. It all depends on your needs and the needs of your audience. If your audience expects that at least some of your site is original content, then give it to them.
But what about the duplicate content issue?
It's not an issue!
There's a lot of a talk about how Google penalizes duplicate content. The theory is that when the majority of the content on two separate webpages (on different sites) is the same, the one with the higher PR will be shown and the other one will not.
Whether or not this theory is true is still a hot topic in search engine circles, but regardless, it doesn't affect people publishing free-reprint articles. When you publish the article, just make sure you have unique content around it. Generally, it's enough to have your own unique introduction to the page (which may be common to all pages), and your own navigation elements, headers, footers, sidebars, logos, images, etc.
Free reprint articles are a great way for you to achieve a high ranking. And you don't have to pay a cent! So what are you waiting for?
What if you could get your content for free? And not just a little bit of content; a lot! What if you could get an almost unlimited supply of keyword rich, expertly written content, specific to your subject matter, absolutely free of charge? Would you snap it up and upload to your site in an instant? Of course you would! Well here's the good news: you can! Read on to find out how you can get a top ten ranking in the search engines without paying a single cent...
Yes, content gives you a great ranking
Content is king. This is widely acknowledged as fact, but if you need further convincing, consider the following two points:
Point 1 - In Google's own words, one of the keys to a high ranking is to "create a useful, information-rich site" (from “Google Information for Webmasters” -
Point 2 - Google insider, codenamed 'Google Guy', advocates a list 26 steps to building a high ranking site. Step 5 of the list says, "build one page of content and put online per day at 200-500 words" .
But why does content give you a great ranking?
I won't go into any further detail about IF Google loves content. I will, however, briefly explain WHY. Google's love affair with content is based on two key attractions:
1) Google loves sites with a lot of content because it assumes they provide a lot of useful information. And remember, that's the whole reason Google exists - to help people find useful information. The more helpful Google's results, the more traffic (and revenue) it gets.
2) Google loves sites that have a lot of links pointing to them because this means other webmasters hold your site in high regard, and Google assumes this means the content is useful. And naturally, if you create a useful site, other webmasters will link to it because this makes them useful to their visitors (thereby developing site loyalty), and they gain credibility and authority because they're associated with you.
So how can you get free content for your website?
Three words: 'free reprint articles'. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there writing high quality, helpful, informative articles on virtually every topic imaginable, then giving these article away to any webmaster who wants to publish them on a website. In exchange for the article, the author asks only that you retain the author bio at the end, complete with all links (e.g. "Glenn Murray is an SEO Copywriter and Article Submission Specialist...).
To find free content for your website, simply visit any one of hundreds of 'article banks' on the Internet such as,, or Browse or search for the subject you're interested in, then take the article(s) for free. There is absolutely no charge. Some of these sites will even send a regular stream of articles direct to your website (using RSS).
Alternatively, you can sign up to any number of article distribution lists and get articles delivered direct to your email inbox. Again, it's absolutely free! Some of the better known distribution lists include,, and
TIP: The article banks and distribution lists mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds more - just do a search for "free reprint articles", "article submission", "article submission site", "submit article", "article submit site", "free articles", or "free content". You may even find a site or list which only deals in articles relating to your particular subject matter.
Why is it free?
Why are these authors giving their articles away? Because it helps the author's own search engine ranking. It's a promotional activity known as 'article PR'. As explained above, Google loves sites with lots of links pointing to them. Every time their article submission is published, the author gets another link to their website. In fact, if the article is really good, it may be published hundreds of times. And each time, it's another link to the author's website. Put simply, article submission is a writer's free pass to the top of the search engines. (In this sense, the "PR" in article PR stands for PageRank.)
Furthermore, like traditional public relations, article PR also conveys a sense of authority because your articles are widely published. And because you're proving your expertise and freely dispensing knowledge, your readers will trust you and will be more likely to remain loyal to you. (In this sense, the "PR" in article PR stands for Public Relations.)
How do I know if the quality is good?
It's a process of natural selection. The better the article submission, the more often it will be published, so it's in the author's interest to write and submit articles of the highest quality. Of course, this doesn't always happen, but in most cases, you'll be reviewing the articles before you post them anyway, so if you discover one that's not up to scratch, don't use it.
In time, you'll become familiar with the authors who consistently put out good quality content - you may even find enough of them that you don't need to go looking for content from anyone else...
Where do I put the free content?
Most people put the articles in an 'Articles' or 'Resources' section on their website, but you can put them anywhere you like.
How much free content should I use?
As much as you want or as little as you want. It all depends on your needs and the needs of your audience. If your audience expects that at least some of your site is original content, then give it to them.
But what about the duplicate content issue?
It's not an issue!
There's a lot of a talk about how Google penalizes duplicate content. The theory is that when the majority of the content on two separate webpages (on different sites) is the same, the one with the higher PR will be shown and the other one will not.
Whether or not this theory is true is still a hot topic in search engine circles, but regardless, it doesn't affect people publishing free-reprint articles. When you publish the article, just make sure you have unique content around it. Generally, it's enough to have your own unique introduction to the page (which may be common to all pages), and your own navigation elements, headers, footers, sidebars, logos, images, etc.
Free reprint articles are a great way for you to achieve a high ranking. And you don't have to pay a cent! So what are you waiting for?
Five Time Tested & Proven Ways To Promote Your Web Site
One of the biggest hurdles online marketers face is
web site promotion. There are literally countless ways to promote
online; some are good while others are a complete waste of time.
What works? Well there are several good strategies to get your message out to your niche. Each strategy will produce different results for various niches.
Contests or Sweepstakes
Holding a contest or sweepstakes is a proven way to promote your web site. You can announce your site to hundreds of web sites that list free contests and sweepstakes.
Press Releases
One of the most powerful promotion strategies is sending out press releases about your contest or sweepstakes. Ask entrants to your contest or sweepstakes if they would accept offers from your business in the future by e-mail.
Chat Rooms or Forums
Use online chat rooms to promote your web site. Find the right chat room where your targeted audience or niche would gather. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site to attract visitors.
Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered spam.
Cross promotional enterprising
Cross promote or joint venture your web site with other sites.
I try to find other web sites that have the same target audience, but are not in direct competition with my business. It’s a sure fire method of increasing my exposure to qualified prospects.
Cross promotional enterprising with other businesses will increases your online exposure, sales, and helps beat your competition to the top of the search engine results pages.
It doesn’t matter what your promoting you’ll find businesses to cross promote and joint venture with all over the Internet.
Traffic Generators
You can easily promote your web site by using traffic generators. I’m not talking about magic bullets or hocus pocus schemes either.
They could be free e-zines, a service, e-book or contest etc. Giving away traffic generators gives you the opportunity to get free advertising by including your ad on them.
Take it one step further and make it viral. Write a short ebook and give away the distribution rights. Other webmasters are generally receptive to promote quality content! .
I sweetened the deal for my subscribers by adding a viral ebook, PPC Cash Bonanza and an issue-by-issue contest for free advertising in my newsletter, the Ranking Report.
There are literally hundreds of online directories that will also let you submit your freebie information. Remember; let other people give away your traffic generators.
Email Discussion Groups
Posting messages to e-mail discussion lists is another great way to promote your web site.
An e-mail discussion list is a group of people connected together via e-mail that can communicate with one another.
When you post a message to a list always make sure you include your signature file at the end. Include an attention getting sentence why they should visit your web site. Just like a headline. Make it provocative and compelling!
There are many more ways to promote your website. If one of these methods doesn’t work for you find another, but whatever you do… do something.
Once you've committed to taking action everything you do online from sending emails to blogging or even just surfing the web, should be motivated towards producing more visitors to your web site and referring prospects through promotional means.
Do nothing… get nothing, do a little & get a lot!
What works? Well there are several good strategies to get your message out to your niche. Each strategy will produce different results for various niches.
Contests or Sweepstakes
Holding a contest or sweepstakes is a proven way to promote your web site. You can announce your site to hundreds of web sites that list free contests and sweepstakes.
Press Releases
One of the most powerful promotion strategies is sending out press releases about your contest or sweepstakes. Ask entrants to your contest or sweepstakes if they would accept offers from your business in the future by e-mail.
Chat Rooms or Forums
Use online chat rooms to promote your web site. Find the right chat room where your targeted audience or niche would gather. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site to attract visitors.
Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered spam.
Cross promotional enterprising
Cross promote or joint venture your web site with other sites.
I try to find other web sites that have the same target audience, but are not in direct competition with my business. It’s a sure fire method of increasing my exposure to qualified prospects.
Cross promotional enterprising with other businesses will increases your online exposure, sales, and helps beat your competition to the top of the search engine results pages.
It doesn’t matter what your promoting you’ll find businesses to cross promote and joint venture with all over the Internet.
Traffic Generators
You can easily promote your web site by using traffic generators. I’m not talking about magic bullets or hocus pocus schemes either.
They could be free e-zines, a service, e-book or contest etc. Giving away traffic generators gives you the opportunity to get free advertising by including your ad on them.
Take it one step further and make it viral. Write a short ebook and give away the distribution rights. Other webmasters are generally receptive to promote quality content! .
I sweetened the deal for my subscribers by adding a viral ebook, PPC Cash Bonanza and an issue-by-issue contest for free advertising in my newsletter, the Ranking Report.
There are literally hundreds of online directories that will also let you submit your freebie information. Remember; let other people give away your traffic generators.
Email Discussion Groups
Posting messages to e-mail discussion lists is another great way to promote your web site.
An e-mail discussion list is a group of people connected together via e-mail that can communicate with one another.
When you post a message to a list always make sure you include your signature file at the end. Include an attention getting sentence why they should visit your web site. Just like a headline. Make it provocative and compelling!
There are many more ways to promote your website. If one of these methods doesn’t work for you find another, but whatever you do… do something.
Once you've committed to taking action everything you do online from sending emails to blogging or even just surfing the web, should be motivated towards producing more visitors to your web site and referring prospects through promotional means.
Do nothing… get nothing, do a little & get a lot!
eMergent Marketing- Website Conversion, Usability & SEO
eMergent Marketing of Cleveland, Ohio is a bright,
young search engine optimization company emerging in an industry
surrounded by hype and cynicism. eMergent Marketing has expanded its SEO
arsenal by offering Web site usability testing and conversion services
to its clients, in order to improve the likelihood that their Internet
marketing efforts have the greatest impact on consumers.
eMergent Marketing represents a whole new way of thinking about Internet marketing and eCommerce strategy. It's no longer good enough to just focus on driving Web site traffic. With growing competition and increasingly savvy online consumers, it has become critically important to attract the right site visitors in the most cost-effective manner. By offering a more complete service than most traditional search engine optimization (SEO) firms, eMergent Marketing delivers more value to its clients by leveraging the in-house usability expertise as part of the search engine optimization and search engine marketing processes.
The eMarketing experts at eMergent Marketing have been studying and practicing search engine optimization since the late 1990’s. Their proven optimization methodology has helped countless companies improve their search engine visibility in the natural search engine listings and attract potential customers to their sites.
While eMergent Marketing continues to experience rapid growth, they remain focused on providing the highest levels of customer service and communications. According to Paul Elliott, President of eMergent Marketing, “The search engine optimization industry has historically been plagued by unethical providers and those who simply do not understand the complexities of search marketing. At eMergent Marketing, we go the extra mile to ensure our optimization clients know exactly what we are doing, when we are doing it, and the results our services will produce. While no ethical search engine optimization firm can guarantee first place rankings, eMergent Marketing has achieved outstanding results for all of our organic optimization clients – a fact our clients will be happy to share with you.”
If you are currently looking for an SEO company that provides leading edge results and customer service, eMergent Marketing is the logical choice. Their combination of experienced Internet marketing professionals with Web site usability and conversion experts creates the new standard for the Web marketing industry. Contact eMergent Marketing today to learn more about the Search and Conversion Methodology for improving the return on investment (ROI) from your site.
eMergent Marketing represents a whole new way of thinking about Internet marketing and eCommerce strategy. It's no longer good enough to just focus on driving Web site traffic. With growing competition and increasingly savvy online consumers, it has become critically important to attract the right site visitors in the most cost-effective manner. By offering a more complete service than most traditional search engine optimization (SEO) firms, eMergent Marketing delivers more value to its clients by leveraging the in-house usability expertise as part of the search engine optimization and search engine marketing processes.
The eMarketing experts at eMergent Marketing have been studying and practicing search engine optimization since the late 1990’s. Their proven optimization methodology has helped countless companies improve their search engine visibility in the natural search engine listings and attract potential customers to their sites.
While eMergent Marketing continues to experience rapid growth, they remain focused on providing the highest levels of customer service and communications. According to Paul Elliott, President of eMergent Marketing, “The search engine optimization industry has historically been plagued by unethical providers and those who simply do not understand the complexities of search marketing. At eMergent Marketing, we go the extra mile to ensure our optimization clients know exactly what we are doing, when we are doing it, and the results our services will produce. While no ethical search engine optimization firm can guarantee first place rankings, eMergent Marketing has achieved outstanding results for all of our organic optimization clients – a fact our clients will be happy to share with you.”
If you are currently looking for an SEO company that provides leading edge results and customer service, eMergent Marketing is the logical choice. Their combination of experienced Internet marketing professionals with Web site usability and conversion experts creates the new standard for the Web marketing industry. Contact eMergent Marketing today to learn more about the Search and Conversion Methodology for improving the return on investment (ROI) from your site.
Driving your website through Google Sandbox
What is Google Sandbox?
Google Sandbox is applied on new websites, it determines the timing of site inclusion as well as ranking in Google search engine results (SERPS). This process could take up to 6-8 months, which could be against your plans causing frustration to webmasters.
The question is what is to be done during the time in which websites are in Google Sandbox?
Do not waste time on checking your website listings in results page instead emphasize on SEO methods to accelerate your listings & improve status of ranking results. Also make efforts to appear on other major search engines such as MSN & Yahoo since they do not have sandbox like Google, this will help drive traffic to your website while waiting for Googlebot to index your pages. Link building strategy is another important issue not only will it improve ranking but also it will help Googlebot spider to find your pages easier while it’s in the sandbox instead of repeatedly submitting your website every time.
Content is king
Main part for ongoing development of your website is to add new content on continuous basis since the most thing search engines are after is good quality websites with relevant content.
Conclusion at the end is that waiting for Google Sandbox is nothing but a waste of your precious time; instead do some useful efforts on developing your website with relevant content & adding inbound links as a part of your linking strategy to make Google happy with what it sees as well as your target visitor.
Google Sandbox is applied on new websites, it determines the timing of site inclusion as well as ranking in Google search engine results (SERPS). This process could take up to 6-8 months, which could be against your plans causing frustration to webmasters.
The question is what is to be done during the time in which websites are in Google Sandbox?
Do not waste time on checking your website listings in results page instead emphasize on SEO methods to accelerate your listings & improve status of ranking results. Also make efforts to appear on other major search engines such as MSN & Yahoo since they do not have sandbox like Google, this will help drive traffic to your website while waiting for Googlebot to index your pages. Link building strategy is another important issue not only will it improve ranking but also it will help Googlebot spider to find your pages easier while it’s in the sandbox instead of repeatedly submitting your website every time.
Content is king
Main part for ongoing development of your website is to add new content on continuous basis since the most thing search engines are after is good quality websites with relevant content.
Conclusion at the end is that waiting for Google Sandbox is nothing but a waste of your precious time; instead do some useful efforts on developing your website with relevant content & adding inbound links as a part of your linking strategy to make Google happy with what it sees as well as your target visitor.
Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimization: How to Generate Free, High Pagerank Links Quickly and Easily
Here's a quick and easy search engine optimization
(SEO) technique that anyone can use to generate free, high Google
pagerank links to their site.
SEO in a nutshell: get quality links to your site; the higher the pagerank, the better.
The problem is that if you submit your site to a high pagerank directory or search engine, it can take months for your site to appear. Moreover, many high PR directories and search engines charge big bucks for the privilege of getting listed with them. For example, the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) directory takes several months or more to list a site. And Yahoo charges $299 per year for a commercial site to be listed in their directory.
SEO in a nutshell: get quality links to your site; the higher the pagerank, the better.
The problem is that if you submit your site to a high pagerank directory or search engine, it can take months for your site to appear. Moreover, many high PR directories and search engines charge big bucks for the privilege of getting listed with them. For example, the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) directory takes several months or more to list a site. And Yahoo charges $299 per year for a commercial site to be listed in their directory.
Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big
business. If you rely on search engines to bring visitors to your
business website, you need to rely on more than luck. Your business will
lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and
re-optimized for search engine results.
What is search engine optimization?
SEO is optimizing your website for search engines, acquiring inbound links, and monitoring your traffic and referring links to use them optimally. SEO is also studying and monitoring your competitors’ techniques.
The goal of SEO is to bring in targeted traffic that is organic, i.e., from search results. When people type in a keyword or phrase that you’ve optimized your site for, you want your site to appear on the first page, preferably high on that page. Good SEO results in increased traffic without the cost and time spent on advertising.
What is search engine optimization?
SEO is optimizing your website for search engines, acquiring inbound links, and monitoring your traffic and referring links to use them optimally. SEO is also studying and monitoring your competitors’ techniques.
The goal of SEO is to bring in targeted traffic that is organic, i.e., from search results. When people type in a keyword or phrase that you’ve optimized your site for, you want your site to appear on the first page, preferably high on that page. Good SEO results in increased traffic without the cost and time spent on advertising.
Different kinds of Keywords
Keyword can be classified into three categories :
Single word Keyword
Multiple word Keyword
Keywords based on Theme
Keyword(s) are basic raw material used in Search Engine Optimization
(SEO). Keyword selection or Keyword Research as it is called
technically, where we use special tools to find out a list of Keywords
(search terms) searched by targeted audience, recently. Keyword can be
single word, two or three words, multiple words and theme based.
Lets detail each of these one by one . Understanding these
categories of keywords would also help one to decide as to their
targeting on specific pages.
#Keyword of Single word
Keyword of Single word is used to target a large traffic but leads
to highly competition category of sites. Keyword of Single word are
known as generic Keyword(s) where we target general audience. Keyword of
Single word does not help to target a specific page for a specific
Although, Keyword of Single word helps in bringing huge traffic but
these terms are mostly not relevant these days, as, searchers mostly use
two or three keyword to find out their required information.
Instead single word keywords are good theme keywords.
We can use these primary keyword 5 to 7 times in a web page for good
theming according of a site. The inside pages of the site can qualify
these themes into product or service categories by adding qualifiers to
these theming keywords.
Keyword “Services” will produce result of all the web sites related
to Services which can be United States Department of Health and Human
Services, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, direct
Services, online Services, offline Services, Indian Services, American
Services, food Services, agricultural Services, business Services, free
Services, paid Services, etc.
#Keyword of Multiple words
Keyword of Multiple words is used to target a specific traffic,
which leads to high sale, top position in search result listing as well
as improves page rank competition. Keyword of Multiple words are known
as Specific Keyword(s) where we target a specific audience & not
general searcher. Keyword of Multiple words helps to target a specific
page for a specific audience.
Keyword of Multiple words, more often than not are location specific
and related to geographic area of your intended services or products.
#Keywords based on Theme
Keyword based on Theme are used to target a highly targeted
audience, which leads to quick high sale, top position in search result
listing as well as boosts page rank. Keywords based on Theme are known
as Conceptual Keyword(s).
Keywords based on Theme consists all possible primary Keywords
related to the web site therefore attracts high traffic of targeted
audience. Keywords based on Theme add quality by providing Keyword Rich
Text to search engines, which improve results and provide targeted
search result listings.
Keywords based on Theme are used in each page of web site to focus
on a specific topic correlated to a targeted topic or idea (theme).
Keywords based on Theme effectively contribute in growth of informative
pages for its site focusing on different related topics.
Creative Search Engine Optimization – A Case Study
Search engine optimization this and search engine
optimization that. You read and hear about it all day, but what about
your site? While there are plenty of articles providing useful
information, this article shows you how a real world example met with
success. The point of this article is to emphasize creativity when
approaching tough optimization situations.
Problems for
In November of 2004, our firm took on the seo marketing for The site was being promoted through offline activities and pay-per-click campaigns. No effort had been made to achieve high rankings in Google, Yahoo or MSN.
Keyword analysis revealed that combinations of the root keywords, “business” and “tax” were going to be difficult to attack. The primary problem concerned government agencies with web sites. The IRS site, for instance, had roughly 9,680 inbound links and an absolute ton of content. State agencies weren’t far behind. The California tax agency site had roughly 7,000 inbound links and, again, tons of content.
For a final nail in the coffin, the client informed us the business was cyclical with the busiest months being January through April when people focused on taxes. The site absolutely had to rank highly during this period. We had two months to achieve results.
The Solution for – 140,000 Hits
After staring at a Salvador Dali painting for a few hours, we came up with a solution. It involved a combination of internal site page focus, meta tag optimization, link exchange and massive article promotion. The results produced 145,828 hits from January through April, with only 5,000 coming from the pay-per-click program.
The first step was to change the focus of the site from the home page to the article page. Jumping the tax agency sites on keywords such as business tax and taxes was impossible in two months, so we didn’t even try. Instead, we decided to focus on the keyword phrase “business tax articles” and bring people into the site through the article page. Meta tags were optimized and a link exchange program undertaken. The key to campaign, however, was a strong article promotion campaign.
Since taxes are confusing, it seemed obvious that an article campaign focusing on tax information would meet with success. Boy, did it. Approximately 35 articles were written, published and submitted to article directories. Since the articles were timely, they were snapped up and published. The articles produced direct traffic to the site as well as numerous inbound links because of the link created in the article byline.
As for the search engines, we focused on everything but Google. We expected nothing from Google because the major content and meta tag changes would take six to eight months to show results per the usual practices of Google. In reality, it didn’t matter. The Yahoo and MSN search engines produced big time.
In mid-January, the site went to number 1 on MSN under “business tax articles.” By the end of January, Yahoo was also listing it as number 1. MSN started listing it at number 1 for “tax articles” in February. The combination of these listings produced a significant amount of traffic, conversions and a very happy client.
Can we go on cruise control now? No! With the end of the tax season, the traffic to the articles page of the site has dropped by 75%. Nobody is looking for tax information after April 15th, so this is hardly surprising. The promotion of the article page was simply a short-term solution to a difficult situation. While it should produce traffic during the first quarter of each subsequent year, it is not a year-around solution.
Over the next six months, we will focus on the long-term goal of jumping over the tax agency sites for keywords such as “business taxes”, etc. It is going to take a lot of patience, but will eventually produce a significant amount of business for the client.
Creativity is often the key to conquering seo situations. Blindly slapping up new meta tags and links isn’t always the best answer. Sometimes, a little pre-emptive consideration can yield amazing results. It did in this case.
Problems for
In November of 2004, our firm took on the seo marketing for The site was being promoted through offline activities and pay-per-click campaigns. No effort had been made to achieve high rankings in Google, Yahoo or MSN.
Keyword analysis revealed that combinations of the root keywords, “business” and “tax” were going to be difficult to attack. The primary problem concerned government agencies with web sites. The IRS site, for instance, had roughly 9,680 inbound links and an absolute ton of content. State agencies weren’t far behind. The California tax agency site had roughly 7,000 inbound links and, again, tons of content.
For a final nail in the coffin, the client informed us the business was cyclical with the busiest months being January through April when people focused on taxes. The site absolutely had to rank highly during this period. We had two months to achieve results.
The Solution for – 140,000 Hits
After staring at a Salvador Dali painting for a few hours, we came up with a solution. It involved a combination of internal site page focus, meta tag optimization, link exchange and massive article promotion. The results produced 145,828 hits from January through April, with only 5,000 coming from the pay-per-click program.
The first step was to change the focus of the site from the home page to the article page. Jumping the tax agency sites on keywords such as business tax and taxes was impossible in two months, so we didn’t even try. Instead, we decided to focus on the keyword phrase “business tax articles” and bring people into the site through the article page. Meta tags were optimized and a link exchange program undertaken. The key to campaign, however, was a strong article promotion campaign.
Since taxes are confusing, it seemed obvious that an article campaign focusing on tax information would meet with success. Boy, did it. Approximately 35 articles were written, published and submitted to article directories. Since the articles were timely, they were snapped up and published. The articles produced direct traffic to the site as well as numerous inbound links because of the link created in the article byline.
As for the search engines, we focused on everything but Google. We expected nothing from Google because the major content and meta tag changes would take six to eight months to show results per the usual practices of Google. In reality, it didn’t matter. The Yahoo and MSN search engines produced big time.
In mid-January, the site went to number 1 on MSN under “business tax articles.” By the end of January, Yahoo was also listing it as number 1. MSN started listing it at number 1 for “tax articles” in February. The combination of these listings produced a significant amount of traffic, conversions and a very happy client.
Can we go on cruise control now? No! With the end of the tax season, the traffic to the articles page of the site has dropped by 75%. Nobody is looking for tax information after April 15th, so this is hardly surprising. The promotion of the article page was simply a short-term solution to a difficult situation. While it should produce traffic during the first quarter of each subsequent year, it is not a year-around solution.
Over the next six months, we will focus on the long-term goal of jumping over the tax agency sites for keywords such as “business taxes”, etc. It is going to take a lot of patience, but will eventually produce a significant amount of business for the client.
Creativity is often the key to conquering seo situations. Blindly slapping up new meta tags and links isn’t always the best answer. Sometimes, a little pre-emptive consideration can yield amazing results. It did in this case.
Confused About Google's Index, Link Dampening, & No. of Links?
I recently received another 'please help' email
from a gentleman named Ian who runs an adventure company in Tanzania
( ). Ian was concerned about the effect
of a variety of issues including indexing and link dampening, and was
desperate for help. Unfortunately, he had read some fairly misleading
articles in the past, so he had a somewhat mixed up understanding of the
factors at play. Because I suspect he's not alone in his concern and
confusion, I decided to publish the details of our discussion.
Ian's email consisted of several questions. I've listed each separately below, followed by my response.
Q: When I search for the number of backlinks to my site using "", I see only 23 results. It appears that only 23 of our backlinks have survived Google's dampening link filter. Is there a time delay before they are credited to a site? "
A: Firstly, I think you may have the dampening link filter a little confused. According to the dampening link filter theory, your links are found and recognized by Google, you just don't get the full benefit from them until a given period of time has elapsed. The dampening link filter (if it exists) doesn't stop links from appearing in Google's results when you search for them. (The only reason your backlinks might not appear in a Google search is if Google hasn't yet indexed the pages containing the links.) Also, don't worry too much about things like the dampening link filter. For a start, it's far from established / accepted fact. Many well regarded SEO experts don't believe in it at all. Furthermore, even if it does exist, it only affects those businesses with the budget to generate the huge numbers (hundreds or thousands probably) of links reputedly required to trigger it. If your number of backlinks suddenly increases by 20, that's no problem.
And secondly, don't believe everything Google tells you. By searching for "", you generally only see a small percentage of actual links to your site. The best way to search for links is to search for just the URL "" , then on the page that displays next, select "Find web pages that contain the term "" ". When you do it this way, you'll see all the pages that contain your URL. In most cases, the URL will be an active link (or at least it should be, and you should ask them to make it so). When you do this search, you'll see that your site has about 169 links, not 23.
Q: Another question is about indexed pages (using I understand this is a record of pages that have been changed. I had 32, it went down to 28 and now this morning it is down to 26. Do they only keep the pages for a month or is there more to the indexed pages than I realized?
A: The number of indexed pages is simply the number of pages on your website that Google 'knows about'. Theoretically, the only time the age of a page comes into play is when the page is too young*, i.e. Google spiders haven't visited it yet, or Google hasn't updated its index. As to why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing, I suspect it's just a temporary shift. The number of results in Google's searches varies pretty much constantly.
*Actually, technically speaking, it has been suggested that Google is not capable of indexing all 11.5 billion pages currently believed to be online (and the 10 million more that are added every day), and that as it indexes new pages, old pages are pushed out of the index. (This is a very rough description of the theory - if it's happening at all, it's likely to be far more complicated than this.) If this is happening, it may explain why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing. Although I think it's a long shot, a good way to deal with it is to maintain high quality content, to keep increasing it, to keep generating backlinks, and to generate a Google sitemap. To find out more about sitemaps, go to . To download a free - and very useful - tool for generating a sitemap, go to .
I know there's a lot of confusion surrounding these issues, so I hope you've found this exchange helpful.
Happy indexing!
Ian's email consisted of several questions. I've listed each separately below, followed by my response.
Q: When I search for the number of backlinks to my site using "", I see only 23 results. It appears that only 23 of our backlinks have survived Google's dampening link filter. Is there a time delay before they are credited to a site? "
A: Firstly, I think you may have the dampening link filter a little confused. According to the dampening link filter theory, your links are found and recognized by Google, you just don't get the full benefit from them until a given period of time has elapsed. The dampening link filter (if it exists) doesn't stop links from appearing in Google's results when you search for them. (The only reason your backlinks might not appear in a Google search is if Google hasn't yet indexed the pages containing the links.) Also, don't worry too much about things like the dampening link filter. For a start, it's far from established / accepted fact. Many well regarded SEO experts don't believe in it at all. Furthermore, even if it does exist, it only affects those businesses with the budget to generate the huge numbers (hundreds or thousands probably) of links reputedly required to trigger it. If your number of backlinks suddenly increases by 20, that's no problem.
And secondly, don't believe everything Google tells you. By searching for "", you generally only see a small percentage of actual links to your site. The best way to search for links is to search for just the URL "" , then on the page that displays next, select "Find web pages that contain the term "" ". When you do it this way, you'll see all the pages that contain your URL. In most cases, the URL will be an active link (or at least it should be, and you should ask them to make it so). When you do this search, you'll see that your site has about 169 links, not 23.
Q: Another question is about indexed pages (using I understand this is a record of pages that have been changed. I had 32, it went down to 28 and now this morning it is down to 26. Do they only keep the pages for a month or is there more to the indexed pages than I realized?
A: The number of indexed pages is simply the number of pages on your website that Google 'knows about'. Theoretically, the only time the age of a page comes into play is when the page is too young*, i.e. Google spiders haven't visited it yet, or Google hasn't updated its index. As to why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing, I suspect it's just a temporary shift. The number of results in Google's searches varies pretty much constantly.
*Actually, technically speaking, it has been suggested that Google is not capable of indexing all 11.5 billion pages currently believed to be online (and the 10 million more that are added every day), and that as it indexes new pages, old pages are pushed out of the index. (This is a very rough description of the theory - if it's happening at all, it's likely to be far more complicated than this.) If this is happening, it may explain why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing. Although I think it's a long shot, a good way to deal with it is to maintain high quality content, to keep increasing it, to keep generating backlinks, and to generate a Google sitemap. To find out more about sitemaps, go to . To download a free - and very useful - tool for generating a sitemap, go to .
I know there's a lot of confusion surrounding these issues, so I hope you've found this exchange helpful.
Happy indexing!
Buy Traffic – Successfully Buy from Traffic Brokers.
Buy traffic - There is one fast way to deliver
traffic by the thousands to your website within 24 hours. Buy traffic
from traffic brokers. Most traffic brokers show your website as a full
page pop-under without the internet explorer bar on selected type of geo
targeting and category. Today the standard website traffic categories
are –
- Untargeted – Untargeted traffic is usually a source of the fastest traffic and it has no Geo targeting or category. Untargeted traffic is good for sites that are not a specific niche. Such traffic is good for joke websites or dating websites.
Automatic Website Submissions Beware
Submitting your website to search engines is the
first and the most basic step a webmaster takes to get the word out
about his/her new website. There was a time when this was a very long
and tedious process, where one had to go through many different search
engines, and submit their websites manually, but now there are many
services, which promise that they will automatically submit your
website, for a low cost, thereby saving you a lot of time and hassle. So
are their claims genuine? Should you go with them? Or is it better to
do this boring and tedious job manually? This article aims to answer
these questions.
We will submit your website to 10,000 search engines for only $30Get listed in 1000 search engines for only $15, these are the sort of claims you would have probably read on many websites, offering search engine submission services. It is strictly advised against using such services, due to many reasons, discussed below.
We will submit your website to 10,000 search engines for only $30Get listed in 1000 search engines for only $15, these are the sort of claims you would have probably read on many websites, offering search engine submission services. It is strictly advised against using such services, due to many reasons, discussed below.
Are You Getting Nuked By Google Lately?
Since the last Google update, there have been many
instances and examples of the Google Nuke Bot! This is what I call it
anyway. Have you visited a favorite website lately only to realize
they've been nuked by Google?
An SEO Glossary - Common SEO Terms Defined
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an
essential weapon in the arsenal of every online business. Unfortunately,
for most business owners and marketing managers (and even many
webmasters), it's also somewhat of an enigma. This is partly due to the
fact that it's such a new and rapidly changing field, and partly due to
the fact that SEO practitioners tend to speak in a language all of their
own which, without translation, is virtually impenetrable to the
layperson. This glossary seeks to remedy that situation, explaining
specialist SEO terms in plain English...
See ‘Sponsored Links’.
A complex mathematical formula used by search engines to assess the relevance and importance of websites and rank them accordingly in their search results. These algorithms are kept tightly under wraps as they are the key to the objectivity of search engines (i.e. the algorithm ensures relevant results, and relevant results bring more users, which in turn brings more advertising revenue).
See ‘Sponsored Links’.
A complex mathematical formula used by search engines to assess the relevance and importance of websites and rank them accordingly in their search results. These algorithms are kept tightly under wraps as they are the key to the objectivity of search engines (i.e. the algorithm ensures relevant results, and relevant results bring more users, which in turn brings more advertising revenue).
12 Things You Really Should Know About SEO
From the very beginning of the Internet, the number
one challenge which all of us have faced is how to attract qualified
visitors to our websites. Throughout the boom years, one of the most
popular solutions was to get massive funding, relatively easy to get in
those days, and "buy" traffic, by various means.
As an iconoclastic young developer, with ambitions of beating the "big boys" at their own game, more time than money or the connections to get it, I sought a less capital intensive methodology to achieve the same results. Years of study and rapt attention to the pertinent forums, trying everything that even seemed to make sense (making many mistakes along the way, and learning much from each one), then carefully monitoring the results, has lead to many highly workable tools in our SEO bag of tricks. The outcome of these trial and error methods, (lots of both) lays the foundation of our SEO services and the basis for the ongoing growth of traffic to your website and ours.
As an iconoclastic young developer, with ambitions of beating the "big boys" at their own game, more time than money or the connections to get it, I sought a less capital intensive methodology to achieve the same results. Years of study and rapt attention to the pertinent forums, trying everything that even seemed to make sense (making many mistakes along the way, and learning much from each one), then carefully monitoring the results, has lead to many highly workable tools in our SEO bag of tricks. The outcome of these trial and error methods, (lots of both) lays the foundation of our SEO services and the basis for the ongoing growth of traffic to your website and ours.
7 Secrets To Top Search Engine Rankings (Yes, Even #1 Positions!)
There's hope for the 'little guys' in the search engine ranking game, even if they
can't tell the difference between the title
and keyword meta tag!
You can achieve high rankings for important keywords simply by applying certain rules
that stand the test of time and even
technology...and the number one rule is
really to......Help the search engines provide relevant search results!
How do you do this? I'll reveal the 'secrets' soon.
How do you do this? I'll reveal the 'secrets' soon.
5 Steps to Get Top 10 Website Search Engine Rank
1. Step One: Select right keyword for web SEO Optimization.
You must choose your keywords carefully. This is the most important step of the SEO. Wrong or ineffective keywords mean invalid keyword optimization. You should find popular keywords and phrases related to your business, then know search popularity and competition number of every keywords. The keywords with more popularity and less competition will be your targeted keyword phrases.
Google - Google Adword Keyword Tool
You must choose your keywords carefully. This is the most important step of the SEO. Wrong or ineffective keywords mean invalid keyword optimization. You should find popular keywords and phrases related to your business, then know search popularity and competition number of every keywords. The keywords with more popularity and less competition will be your targeted keyword phrases.
Google - Google Adword Keyword Tool
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